Take Flight – Business Growth Strategies with Business Coach Dan Holstein

Making Things Easy

Dan Holstein Season 1 Episode 95

With everything you have on your plate, starting a new initiative might seem like an overwhelming task. Thinking something is going to be harder than it is, might lead you to procrastinate, leading to time constraints and making that task seem ever more difficult.

Sound familiar? I think we've all been there at one point or another - I know I have. 

In this week's video, I share a simple strategy you can put to work today to help you get some of those daunting tasks off of your ToDo list, and on to your Done list!

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Hey there, Dan Holstein here.

Guest videographer this week, Jamie Cunningham, my friend and mentor Jamie, take a shot - ---   - Howdy! 

- Hey there he is. Fresh off the plane from Australia, and we're getting caught up it's been far too long.  

And we're just discussing how to make things easy.  Sometimes in life there's things that we want to accomplish and we make it out to be a bigger deal than it is. So what I want to share with you today is a concept about just getting started.  

Imagine this project that you want to do is this big heavy weight sitting on the ground. But luckily you happen to have this little wedge and a little hammer and the wedge actually happens to have a little bit of grease on it. And you can put this wedge up to this big heavy weight and just give it a little tap. And as you tap it, the wedge lifts the weight up just a little bit. 

What happens is, you get started. And you have just a little bit of daylight shining in underneath that weight. And then you tap it a little bit more, and tap it a little bit more, pretty soon, the wedge starts to lift.  We don't have to give it the almighty slam that's going to flip the thing over.  As in, do the whole project all at once.  Just get started.  

Allocate a little bit of time to do the thing you want to do.  And yeah, it's not going to be perfect, right now, this video is not perfect.  We're not using a microphone, there's a dog barking back here, there's wind noise, but that's okay, we're just getting started on it. 

So I hope that you find this of value, just get started. Don't judge it.  Don't make it more challenging than it needs to be.  Just take the first step.  And you'll find that, you'll be able to see farther down the road once you take that first step.  You'll know what the next step is going to be.  And again, it's just going to be a little tap on the wedge with a hammer. 

So that's it!  Just get started.  Looking forward to hearing what you're starting.  See you next time!

Episode is Live

Published: Oct. 27, 2022 @ 8AM Edit