Take Flight – Business Growth Strategies with Business Coach Dan Holstein

3 Steps to Overcome Self-Sabotage: From Possibility to Probability to Profitability

Dan Holstein Season 1 Episode 85

Have you ever said that you wanted to be, do, or have something and then immediately or shortly thereafter you decided that you couldn't be, do, or have that thing.

And then you talked yourself out of it.

What happens there? You're inspired with the idea of something that you could do, but then you made a decision that it wasn't possible for you.  

Something I want you to think about is when that happens, is that a logical or an emotional response?

It's emotional right?

Logically if there's something that you want to be do or have why couldn't you do it?

If it's been done before, I'm sure it's possible for you.  We have these emotional responses sometimes that talk us out of taking any action at all towards something that we're excited about. 

That eliminates the possibility that we can ever achieve what we want to achieve.

In this episode, learn how to move through the negative "can't do it" so you can achieve what you want to achieve!

As you grow, as your identity develops, as a business owner, you're achieving new things, you'll have new ideas on what's possible for you, new negative responses that you need to get through, new ways of getting started, more consistencies to increase your probability more profitability, and guess what? 

Now we think we can do something else as well.

So this is the whole loop:  Possibility leading to probability, leading to profitability.

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This week I want to talk to you about possibility leading to profitability.

Here's what I mean:

Have you ever said that you wanted to be, do, or have something and then immediately or shortly thereafter you decided that you couldn't be, do, or have that thing. You talked yourself out of it. What happens there? You're inspired with the idea of something that you could do, but then you made a decision that it wasn't possible for you Something I want you to think about is when that happens, is that a logical or an emotional response? It's emotional right? Logically if there's something that you want to be do or have why couldn't you do it? If it's been done before I'm sure it's possible for you. We have these emotional responses sometimes that talk us out of taking any action at all towards something that we're excited about. That eliminates the possibility that we can ever achieve what we want to achieve. What we need to do is to make sure that we catch the awareness around these negative"can't do it" thoughts that pop in, these emotional responses, and ask myself"is there any logical reason I couldn't achieve this?" The answer to that question is probably no. We recognize that we're living in an emotional response. We need to move through that and just get started. Identify what's the first thing that you could do, just the very first thing that you can do, just to get started. That creates possibility. We need to start. Which leads to probability. If we're taking action towards that which we want, now we have probability, if we continue doing it, then we might get some progress, we might pull together the resources, we might just make it happen. Could take some time, could take some focus, and some persistence but now we have probability on our side that if we continue to take action towards what we want, we can make it happen. The probability piece is all about continuing. Don't be giving up. Make sure you continue to get the resources that you need, the education that you need, the connections that you need, the self-belief and the confidence that you need, to achieve what you want to achieve and just keep going. And catch yourself on that emotional negativity awareness thing happening when you start, you hit a little roadblock or a little stuck point and you think you can't do it. You can. It's just your little self-sabotage kickin up. Ask the logical question again:"is there any logical reason, if I continue on this path, that I can't be successful?" The answer will be "no". Trust me on this one.

Next up:

Profitability. This is where we win. And the profitability isn't necessarily just about money. It could be relationship, love, time, experience, it could be profitable money-wise as well. But it means that you've won. You've beat the odds on yourself and you've achieved something that you wanted to achieve. Now guess what happens? Once we've done this what happens to our confidence level about achieving something else in the future? Goes up right? So guess what? This whole thing creates new possibilities for us. And again as you grow, as your identity develops, as a business owner. you're achieving new things, you'll have new ideas on what's possible for you, new negative responses that you need to get through, new ways of getting started, more consistencies to increase your probability more profitability, and guess what? Now we think we can do something else as well.

So this is the whole loop:

Possibility leading to probability leading to profitability. Now the question might be,"well how do I get started if I don't have confidence?" Tune in next week as we talk about the confidence paradox and how to get started when you have no confidence at all in achieving what you want to achieve. I hope this has been valuable for you. I've got a little exercise around this to help you get some clarity. If you're interested, shoot me a quick note, click on the link wherever that happens to show up here and I will send you a little exercise I've developed for some of my clients around helping them get some clarity on how to get started. That's it for now, see you next time.