Take Flight – Business Growth Strategies with Business Coach Dan Holstein

How to Improve Execution

Dan Holstein Season 1 Episode 74

You know effective execution is what keeps your business moving forward quickly and profitably, but sometimes getting the entire organization to execute well is a challenge. 

In today’s video I share the three key things to have in mind for effective execution:

 1. Clear priorities for everyone 

2. Measurement of progress on priorities 

3. Effective meeting rhythms. Not just meetings that everyone hates and could have been done by email, but “effective meetings”. Regularly, to make sure we’re all staying focused and uncovering challenge areas before they turn into problems. 

And most importantly, a culture of execution is fostered by you as leadership, staying focused and doing what you say you’re going to do.

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Hey everybody, Dan Holstein here, helping your business take flight.  And our our topic of
conversation today is execution.

When I talk to business owners about some of the things that keep them from moving their business forward as quickly, and profitably, and effectively as they would like, it comes down to, "Well, we're just not executing as well as I'd like to."

So, what are some of the key things that we need to bear in mind if we want to have high level
of execution in our business?

Well, the number one is priorities.  Is everybody in the company clear on their objectives, their priorities?  Just a small few, not tons.  If everything's a priority, nothing is.  Is everyone clear on
their one or two things that they need to be executing on and accomplishing in a timeframe?  So that's the first.

The second is, how are we measuring that?  Do we have KPIs: key performance indicators, and some level of a dashboard where we can actually see visibility into how everybody is doing?  We need visibility into our progress towards the priorities.

The next is effective meeting rhythms.  That's number three.  Are we meeting often enough
with the right people to make sure that we're staying focused on what we need to execute on?Are we uncovering challenge areas so we can solve them before they turn into big problems and disruptions?  And, are we looking for opportunities that we can seize as we move forward?

So, priorities, measurement, and meeting rhythms.  Making sure that we're tying those three together.  That helps with our execution.

But more importantly as well, or as importantly, is a culture of execution.  Does leadership do what they say they're going to do?  Are you walking the talk?  Or are you just talking  about execution, but you're not doing, as the leader, what you say you're going to do?  That's a key thing.  People are looking at what you do more than what you say.

So it can be a case of, "I can't hear what you're saying because your actions are speaking so loud."

So number one, if you want to have a culture of execution, you want your team to execute?  As a leader, you better be executing as well.  So don't over commit.  Execute on what you  know you can.  It's better to do what you say you're going to do, and hit some targets, as opposed to come up with big grandiose things that you're going to do in a short timeframe,  not hit it, and then you're not executing well.

And the second thing is hiring and recruiting people that really love to execute.  They love to get stuff done.  They love to achieve, and accomplish, and complete.  And it really drives them to dot the Is and cross the Ts, and really, they like to look back on a job well done.  That's part of their core being.

You want to be able to attract people that really value execution at their core.

So that's it for this week.  That's a little bit about execution.  I hope those tips are handy for you.  I'm going to be expanding on this in a workshop I'm doing next week.

There'll be a link to register, and more information in the comments here.  So check it out.  I'd love to see you at the workshop, and if there's anything I can help you with in your execution, always feel free to reach out.  I'm a resource for you.

So that's it for now.  I'll catch you next time.  Have a fantastic week!